Meet Ibex Ambassador
Kyle Redberg
KYLE Redberg 〡 MARCH 20, 2023
PHOTOS FROM @softclimbs and @sage.chimo
Q: Where do you currently live and what do you love about it?
A: Hey y'all! My name is Kyle Redberg, and this is my partner in action, Taj. We are full-time van lifers who are on the move, traveling from state to state in search of the perfect weather and the perfect boulders to climb. Taj and I met 4 years ago when we started this life on the road together. We mainly spend our summers in the mountains of Montana. In the fall and spring, we head to the high desert of Utah, and for the winters, we spend our time chasing the warmth, either in the hot desert or the wet southeast.

Q: What got you into climbing/bouldering?
A: I have been climbing for 11 years now. I caught the bouldering bug a few years into climbing, and I haven't been able to stop. I love the freedom and movement of bouldering, but I also love how hard you can try to get the feeling of accomplishment and success. Climbing has taught me the most about patience, being aware and in the moment. To slow down in all aspects of life, to look around, take it all in, and enjoy it. Climbing also allows me to pursue my passion for photography. It brings me to some of the most beautiful places and moments. If I can't be climbing, I'll probably be at the boulders or crag with my camera in hand, capturing everyone's try-hard and funny faces. To me, it's just about being outside in nature doing what I love.
Q: What makes the climbing community so special?
A: I've been fortunate enough to find some of the best climbing community around. Climbing partners that are not only friends but also feel more like family. From Montana and all the way down to Tennessee and beyond, I have met, connected, and become a part of something much bigger than a climbing community. We have each other's backs at all times, in all aspects of life, even outside of climbing. The connection that climbing has brought us is truly something special, and I hold it close to my heart. I really enjoy how my climbing family always keeps in touch, travels together from state to state, and we are always making plans for future climbing adventures. Keep an open mind and an open heart; you'll never know who you will meet next!
Q: What would you tell someone who is looking to get into climbing? What resources can they use, gear they can find, how to get started, etc
A: To someone new to climbing or interested in trying it out for the first time, here are a few ideas. Check with your local gym. They will have rental gear to try and a safer, more controlled environment to test out the ropes or bouldering. If you're after the outdoor experience, either find a guide service, hire The Boulder Caddie, or purchase a crash pad, shoes, chalk, and a chalk bag (I prefer Mad Rock, a gym, or REI). Do some research of your area via Mountain Project, Kaya, or a book for bouldering. Bouldering is the easiest form of climbing to do solo. Be safe and smart!

Q: What's your favorite zone to climb that people may not know about?
A: My all-time favorite area for bouldering is Joe's Valley, Utah. Located just outside the small town of Orangeville, it is a mecca of beautiful black and tan streaked sandstone boulders. With over 1,000 different boulder problems to choose from, it'll keep you busy for quite some time. Not only does Joe's offer world-class climbing, but the donuts at the Food Ranch in town are the perfect treat for every day.

Q: Do you have any big summer objectives your looking to accomplish?
A: Now, getting back to Montana for the summer, I have some big goals in mind. Of course, there are plenty of boulders that I must try and take down, but Montana gets me excited to put my harness on and get on the sharp end. I have lots of sport and trad climbing objectives that I would like to tick off, including the amazing and classic splitter crackclimb 'Spare Rib' in Gallatin Canyon. I also signed up for the Run the Rut in Big Sky, MT, in late August. I'm committed to the 28k race through the woods and mountains of Big Sky Resort, which means lots of trail running this summer! Stay tuned and follow along on all our epic adventures!

You can follow all Kyle's adventures by through his Instagram: @kredberg @thebouldercaddie
Kyle's Ibex FAVORITES: